Igor A. S. Carvalho Doutor em Engenharia de Materiais, Especializado em Fontes Alternativas de Energia com capacitação dedicada em Engenharia e Instrumentação de Espectroscopia RAMAN e FLUORESCÊNCIA nos centros de referência da HORIBA na França e nos Estados Unidos. Capacitação em Monitoramento e Prospecção Tecnológica. Gestor de Negócios da HORIBA INSTRUMENTS para a América Latina.


AFM-RAMAN and Fluorescence Imaging (FLIM) Applied on Advanced Optical Spectroscopy to NanoMaterials Science & Engineering Characterization

Igor A. S. Carvalho

Horiba Instruments Brasil, São Paulo, SP

This course will be focused in Optical Spectroscopy applied to Materials, Nanomaterials Science and Engineering. Theory, application and instrumentation will be the main subjetcs. The main topics will be: AFM-Ramam: Applied to measurements of lattice modes of superconductors in nanoscale, longitudinal acoustic modes of nanopolymers (LAM), boson peaks of glassy structures, biomaterials vibrational modes and information of pharmacy compounds polymorphism. TERS imaging with a resolution down to 10 nm a reality for all. Especially eficiente for probing 2D materials like graphene oxide and 2D TMDCs like MoS2 and WS2. Fluorescence Imaging (FLIM): Characterization of biomaterials and nanomedicine, applications examples can be the measurement of intracellular pH, Ca2+ ratio, oxygen saturation, in vivo monitoring intrinsic proteins, such as NADH, FLIM with FRET (Föster Resonance Energy Transfer) – protein interactions with high spatial and temporal resolution. HORIBA has a great pleasure to stay at the cutting-edge of technological innovation and invite the scientific community to Explore the Future.

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