Pedro Orellana Dinamarca
Departamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
In this talk, we will summary the role of the interferences effects in the electronic transport and thermoelectric properties of graphene nanoribbons. For instance, the Fano effect arises by the quantum interference of two transport pathways, a resonant and a non-resonant one, and manifests in a characteristic asymmetric line shape in the transmission probability. The Fano antiresonances are signature of coherent transport of electrons, have been also predicted to improve the thermoelectric efficiency in systems such as molecules, multiple-level quantum dots and graphene nanoribbons. We show that when interference effects affect the electron transport, the Wiedemann-Franz law can be violated at the nanoscale. The violation of this law in nanoscale sytems has consequences in the thermoelectric efficiency of the system given by the figure of merit ZT.